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1971 Foundation of TITech Computer Center
Computersystem HITAC 8700 installed
1972 HITAC 8700 operation started (first machine)
1976 Reorganization of TITech Computer Center
Computersystem HITAC M-180 installed
1977 Introductory computer education started (HITAC M-180)
1988 Supercomputer CDC ETA 10 installed
1994 Campus information networking system (Titanet) started (Titanet network operation center(NOC) established)
1995 Supercomputer CRAY C916/12256 installed
1997 Titanet NOC merged into the computer center
1998 Education for computer and communication started (SGI Origin 2000)
2000 Supercomputer NEC SX-5, SGI Origin2000 installed
2001 SuperTitanet installed
Research computer system COMPAQ GS320 installed
1979 Foundation of International Cooperation Center for Science and Technology
Inaugurate the Academic Exchange Program with South-East Asian Countries under Core University System, with University of Indonesia(UI)
1980 Inaugurate the Academic Exchange Program with South-East Asian Countries under Core University System with Indonesian Institute of Science (UPI)
1984 Inaugurate the Academic Exchange Program with Bandung Institute of Technology
1986 Inaugurate the Academic Exchange Program with University of the Philippines
Inaugurate the Academic Exchange Program with King Mongkut's Institute of Technology
1991 JSPS terminated the program to change to Project-type system
2001 Organization of GSIC
2002 Titech Campus Grid (800 CPUs) 15 locations on campus
Tokyo Tech Thailand Office established
2004 Intercampus gigabit links by private optical fiber
Internet connection upgraded to 10Gb
2005 Campus-wide wireless network started
2006 TSUBAME Grid Cluster installed
Campus-wide Network Application System (PKI) installed
2008 SINET3 connection replaced by 10Gb
TSUBAME1.2 started
2009 TSUBAME Partnership Resource Allocations started
2010 Titanet3 installed
Titanet wireless 2 installed
Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures started
TSUBAME2.0 started
Connected to SINET4
2012 SINET4 connection replaced by 20GB
SINET4 (Yokohama) direct connection to Suzukakedai Campus
2013 TSUBAME2.5 started
2014 T2 CERT(TokyoTech CERT) established
2016 SINET5 connection replaced by 100GB
2017 TSUBAME3.0 started
2020 Update Campus Network (Titanet4)
2021 Campus DX started (Slack, Box, Zoom)
2022 SINET6 connection replaced by 200GB
2024 TSUBAME4.0 started (Suzukakedai Campus)