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The Tokyo Tech GSIC Booth, #752, will showcase the latest TSUBAME2 Project at ISC12 held in Hamburg, Germany in June 2012.
(Booth Name:Tokyo Tech、Booth Number:752)
ISC12:International Super Computing
Conference Dates:Jun. 17-21. 2012
Exhibition Dates:Jun. 18-20. 2012
Tokyo Tech’s TSUBAME2.0 became the first Japanese PFlops supercomputer in Nov. 2010, ranked 4th on the Top500 and awarded the “Greenest Production Supercomputer in the World” from the Green500. TSUBAME2.0, co-designed with NEC and HP, hosts nearly 3000 Intel Xeons and over 4000 nVidia Fermi GPUs, full-bisection multi-rail InfiniBand network, 3000 SSDs coupled with 7 PByte HDDs for TB/s I/O.
TSUBAME ESJ - e-Science Journal, a journal which introduces researches that use TSUBAME, can be downloaded from here.
These posters are shown in the GSIC ISC12 booth.
TSUBAME2.0 Overview
Petascale Applications on TSUBAME2.0
Energy, Data processing, and Dependability on TSUBAME2.0