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What is TSUBAME?

TSUBAME4 is fully operational in SPRING of 2024 !!

2023.05.22 Press release of TSUBAME4.0 is HERE.
TSUBAME4.0 Hardware Specifications

What is TSUBAME?

To advance science by computational modeling and simulations, a large-scale supercomputer TSUBAME* was deployed at GSIC in 2006, and has been providing computing and storage resources for research at Tokyo Tech. The machine has also been made available to select projects at outside research institutes and industries.

TSUBAME is also established to foster advanced education in computer and computational sciences, and is open to every student at the university, including undergraduates.

Second generation of TSUBAME, called TSUBAME2.0, was deployed in 2010, and upgraded to TSUBAME2.5 in 2013.

Third generation of TSUBAME, called TSUBAME3.0, was deployed in 2017, and operated in Mar, 2024.

Operation of TSUBAME 4.0 was started in Apr, 2024, and the latest information/status are found on TSUBAME4.0 Computing Services.
(*) TSUBAME : Tokyo-tech Supercomputer and UBiquitously Accessible Mass-storage Environment
From TSUBAME4.0, official name is "TSUBAME4.0 Supercomputer".

Official Web page of TSUBAME Computing Services:

How to Use TSUBAME?

Internal Students
and Professors
TSUBAME4.0 Computing Services
External Users
(pay use)
Partnership Resource Allocations (Academic, Industrial)
Industrial Users
(no charge)
HPCI Industrial
Trial Use
Foreign Researchers International Collabolation
Collabolators with Professors Reserach Collabolation based on Research Fund or Industrial Contracts

To use TSUBAME, an account issued by CII is required. For those who are currently affiliated with Science Tokyo, please refer to the information at the Getting Accounts.

Several options exist for outside users to obtain TSUBAME accounts. Users in Japanese institutes and industry organizations can apply to the Partnership Resource Allocations. Non-Japanese organizations are invited to contact us for international joint research projects using TSUBAME.
