The SuperCon '96 Committee have the pleasure to announcing that the 1st SuperCompuer Contest for High School Students will be held August 9-16 1996, and the contest will be open for foreign high school students this year. The purpose of this contest is to make the high school students be familiar with the state-of-the-art in current computer technology, and to encourage their potential in this field. In the contest, the participants compete with each other for solving the problem given by the SuperCon '96 committee as faster as possible; they can use the super computer (Cray C916/12256) set up in Tokyo Inst. of Tech. freely to develop and to tune up their computer programs. The winner will receive the honor since the results will be officially announced by Tokyo Inst. of Tech. through various media. The winner will also be invited to the SuperComputing '96 at Pittsburgh., Pen.,USA; it is very sorry to say that the participants from foreign high school can not receive the invitation this year, because of the difficulty for arranging the invitation conditions among supposed participants. Details of the contest are as follows:
The applicants who pass the pre-contest exam will be able to use Cray C916/12256 supercomputer at Titech between Aug 9th and 16th.
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