Addr. | 2-12-1 O-okayama, Meguroku, Tokyo 152-8550 JAPAN |
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SC16 TOP | News Release | Presentations | Booth Talk Schedule | Booth Posters | Booth Map |
1. TSUBAME2.5: Architecture & Services |
2. TSUBAME 3.0 will be deployed in 2017 |
3. Industrial Use of TSUBAME 2.5 |
4. TSUBAME Grand Challenge program |
5. Hierarhical Algorithms and Mesh-Based CFD for High Performance Computing |
6. Dealing with Deeper Memory Hierarchy in Post-Petascale Era |
7. Extreme Big Data - Tools and Library |
8. Extreme Big Data - Applications |
9. Big Data - Cloud Infrastructure for Big Data Analysis |
10. Research Challenges towards the Post-Moore Era |
Demo: Real Time Weather Recognition based on Deep Learning |